I got off work this evening just a little early, and i did what all half sensible men would do. I grabbed my bow, and ran up a tree! On my way in i spooked a buck, but by the way he acted i knew he would be right back.
So i got up as quite as i could, and began the waithing game. I was surfing the gang on my phone when i heard a leaf crunch behind me, i slowly turn, to find the pleasant sight of a buck headed my direction.
He circled downwind, very cautiously, and this action put him at 9 yards broadside of a very excited bowhunter.
I cannot express to you how tore up i was. I have killed some very nice deer in my few years (with other weapons) but size dont matter when you have a stick in your hand. I was tore up from the floor up to say the least.
As he came to a stop, i hit full draw, burning a hole through his chest. I let the string slip and that pink rabbit fur (Thanks again Dan!) disapeared less than an inch from the hair i picked.
The buck mule kicked and tore out of there, only to make it 20 yards or so, then he commenced to ballhootin and rolling down the hill.
I was so excited i just about jumped out of the tree. Litterally my head was spinning and my hands were numb. I dont know why, ive killed many deer trad style, it was just coming out of a slump maybe? Either way, i felt like i was 12 again, im still grinning like a stuck oppossum as i type this.
Anyways, shot was perfect, double lung. i was shooting a PSE Heritage Falcon recurve i picked up in a trade with a ganger last week, the bow is around 53#@28 and i am shooting 2016 aluminums (bright ones i might add)tipped with a 125gr magnus 2blade.
I was particularly excited to see my arrow blow through the deer, as i just learned how to sharpen heads. Here is a hero shot with one proud Tradganger!
Thanks for all your help Tradgang, you have made me alot better shot, as well as person in general. You guys are the best! Good luck to you all!