I've used Zwickey 4 bladed Deltas for about 50 years now. I've NEVER had a problem with penetration, point bending or any of the stuff that some people claim for themselves. I have taken well over 60 deer with them in that time and nary a single problem with the Deltas.
One thing I would add, is that I have always used bows in the 55-65 pound range. My current go to bow is a MAII Black Widow at 57 pounds. The last deer I shot, he was quartering towards me but his head was turned away looking away and to his rear. I hit shoulder joint and shattered that, the arrow exited low and near back of rib cage on far side. Deer took about two high leaps and collapsed. Range was 12 yards and I was in tree stand.
The Zwickey 4 blades are very good, and the bleeder blades are not so large that they impede penetration. I like them over anything else and that is my opinion.