Thanks to all for the congrats. Yes that is my Mac. Ebony/Dark Myrtle Toelke Whip in the pic. She's been nothing short of MY bow, I named her MTB for my and my wife's initials and it also stands for "Meant to Be" both for the great relationship that I have with my wife and that it is "Meant to Be" that this Whip should be mine! When I got her last August, I took my first shot and said "Wow!" She is a thing of beauty to the eye and in the hand.
The Duluth Bowhunters put 550+ deer in freezers and food shelfs each year but I don't see the population declining much. The primary focus is does, as that will have the greatest impact on deer populations. We are required to shoot a doe first before we can shoot a buck and each year over 80% of the total harvest is antlerless deer. Still plenty in the population. Lots of wooded areas that are off limits to hunting but we do our best to have an effect. I've tried to confirm but I believe I may be the ONLY trad hunter in the entire group of 300+ hunters! Showing everyone else that it can be done without Wheels and sights. I am buzzing with pride!