My choosing of hunting game with a recurve bow straight out makes me a less ethical hunter and a lesser respector of the game I pursue. Here is the reason I say this is fact for me. I am 35 years old and I have not shot a compound bow for 15 years. But I will bet I can leave work now go to the nearest place that sales compounds, buy one, spend and hour putting on a rest, kisser button, tieing a release loop, etc, and in 30 minutes of shooting at 25 yards be able to hit a skoal can lid every shot. In 15 years of practice I can not hit a skoal can lid every shot at 25 yards, and I bet there isn't a person on trad gang that can either. To take it a bit further I can take a scoped rifle and circumcize a knat every shot at 25 yards. So if I was truely fully concerned about ethics and respect I would use my silvertip recurve for kindlin and burn the thing. Then I wouldn't hunt with nothing but a rifle and only shoot things in the eyeball where they never knew what happened.
Sometimes all of this ethics, respect stuff from the traditional community is what really sets off a chapping of my A$$. Just because we choose to shoot a more challenging piece of equipment some folks thinks it rises us to some level of elitism. So we shoot our bows all year long and then go out and miss a deer and then post about the experience and how much we liked the simplicity and conectivness we felt, even though we missed. Well every miss was alot closer closer to wounding an animal than it was ethically killin it.
I understand where the post was coming from and yes the weekend warriors I don't condemn them but I do feel sorry for them because there is so much that they are missing. They don't know what they are missing by not being in the woods, practicing with their equipment, connecting with the critters, creating heritage, living their primal dreams. because they miss all of this i feel for them. Are they non-ethical and disrepectful, probably in general more so than the person who can be considered a hunter, no matter what their equipment choice.
I accept the choice that I made to hunt with what I hunt with. I know that I cannot "kill" as proficient with a recurve bow as well as I could with a compound bow. I have heard folks say that I just cant shoot a compund as accuratley as I can my recurve. I think to myself how in the heck is this possible, you must be severly toxophilte challenged.
I hunt with a recurve bow simply for the personal challenge. Sure I appreciate and respect the history, the romance, etc. But when I put a broadhead through vitals of a critter I thank GOD for providing me the critter to pursue and for giving me the ability to kill it. I am proud of myself for killin it, and I feel rewarded for the hard work and determination that it takes to get to that moment. It has happened alot in the last 15 years, not 2 or three times, not 40 times, but alot. Also over the 15 years there have been some misses and woundings. At those times I was pissed off and questioned my respect and ethics that I just displayed.