I went to my meat stand this afternoon. Named so because I haven't seen any bucks there at all. It was my third time there, the previous two times I saw deer go to an intersection of trails, along with two coyotes at the "T". So, today, with the wind right (N), I left the longbow at home, took the climber and the recurve with me. I set up just south of the "T" with a 12 yard shot to the north and a 15-20 yard shot to the west.
I got set up at 4:15. At 5:05 I heard a snap ahead of me. Three deer were coming down the trail. All antlerless. The first two were fawns without spots. I almost shot one, but thought they were too young. Big ol' mama doe was right behind them. I decided the young ones looked old enough to care for themselves. The ol' doe slowly walked into the wide open lane to my left, I stopped her with a light kiss at 19 yards. She was broadside, slightly quartering away. My arrow took her high on the left side and exited from her right armpit. Both lungs were center punched.
Bear Super Kodiak, broadhead used was a 125 gr. Magnus Snuffer on 2315 aluminum shaft. According to my GPS, she dropped at 300 feet. I was having a hard time finding blood so walked in the direction she ran and found her piled up.