All of the possible problems you just listed is why i prefer the Huntmore. i quite often hunt about a mile plus out and have found that even though the walk to my spot seems like more effort with the Huntmore, the walk back to the car seems shorter. I like the adjustable height and the fact that I can set it up in the low cedar clumps regardless of the slope and the lack of anything to lean against. i like sitting up a little higher in the cedar thickets, it gives me more versatility with my longer longbows. The ability to swivel when hunting in a brushy cedar thicket is a big plus, because these dang Iowa deer can never seem to find the trail i am hunting.
For some the set up and carry weight of the Huntmore is a draw back, my 60 year old wife has no problems setting up or carrying hers.
When I am sneaking around and need a place to sit occasionally, I use a nifty Seat, small light and rides tight to your side, all set up and ready to go. I did have a problem last year with when hunting with a cracked rib and a herniated disc, I needed to make sure I had a tree to lean against.