I left Stalker Recurves last night. South had finished prepping for another coat. A few more days of sanding and reapplying thunderbird and the bow should be finished. If everything goes as planned, I'll have pics by next week of the completed bow.

Flying home wasn't as exciting as flying over but I did "cut it close". First off, the whole time there, the only days that fogged in was when I flew in and the day that I needed to depart. With the way things were going with that airlines, I decided to call to check on my reservations. The agent told me that there was no record of my flight home! After digging deeper, we found out that because I didn't make my connecting flight, they just cancelled the rest of my trip! Fortunately they were able to rebook my trip home. My first flight ended up being delayed and had five minutes to get to my connecting flight. Luckily I made it on time but my luggage didn't. I'm just hoping that they don't loose my Stalker caps!!!! But all in all, I was just glad that I didn't have to stay overnight in the airport!
Thank you to everyone who has shared in my experience at Stalker Recurves! I'll be posting pics as soon as it arrives!