I like to start a thread every year about the names you give your stands. The're often very discriptive or have earned their name. My Bud and I name all our stands. We have a great time with it and it lets us know exactly where the other guy is.
So list your stand names and give a little story about them if you want. I'll start.... These are all ladder stands.
Point plot, damn stand, Bullseye (mark on the tree), Mossy Knoll, Upper Mossy Knoll, Spins stand, Spoon (It's in a bowl, Line stand, Hidden spring, Shed alley, 2 Hole stand, 3 rub, turkey roost, Ridge run, triple tree, N Creek stand, Rub City, Springhole, Towelhead (it;s in the middle eastern part of the property
) Wooded food plot.
I think that's it