Most of our stands are named after person who generally has some loose claim of ownership to the equiptment and that person usually hunts that spot first, but it is a roulette after that.
John's Tree stand - John built it, but may not have ever hunted in it, but Mike did and killed a doe out of it.
Jake's Tree Stand - Now defunct, but still represents the tree, which is about 60 yards south of Hyma's old stand in the South East corner. Which, has been moved because the tree died. But now the whole SE corner is the Tri-Pod stand.
Mike's Tree stand, which is now Tony's Tree Stand because Mike moved up north.
The food polt - for obvious reasons... which is where Hyma's stand is now located.
The-clearing-across-the-creek-from-Uncle-Don's-old-Vega - Self explanitory.
However, since I ground hunt and usually only sit in impromptu set ups, my spots are named things like: