Shot my first trad deer ever Monday morning. Below is the link to a video I put together of the shot from a camera I had set up on a tripod in the blind.
First buck was at about 14 yards and heard my arrow sliding on the rest as I drew back. I shouldn't have shot when I saw him tense up. I lost concentration and shot way over him. Took a little while for the bucks to come back. They stared at the blind for over 10 minutes from the trees before coming out and trying to circle it to get a whiff.
Second buck walks within 5 yards to give me a shot. Calmed down just long enough to get a shot. Hit him a little high but it was a good clean double lung hit. Watched him go down within 20 seconds. I've never been that close to a deer. I also took along a buddy of mine to sit in the blind that has never deer hunted before. He ate it up.
No shame in a miss but made for a roller coaster ride. Sick one minute and elated the next.
Nothing fancy. Used a Samick Sage 45# @ 28" and a 175gr Woodsman 3 blade.