I picked up a 50# string follow Miller bow , his "Sage" model.
When it was first offered to me I was reluctant to buy it, because 45-47# was always the top of what was comfortable for me.
But the bow was beautiful, and it was my first chance to try a string follow profile.
drawing the 50# Sage was easier than I expected. The limbs being bent towards me removed any pre stress, I would have had to pull past to draw the bow.and the release was a bit smoother, than either my Miller 45# "Old Tom", or the Hill Tembo 45#, I had at the time.
I can say the string follow Sage is not as fast shooting as the Old Tom. It is not as fast, nor not as flat shooting, as any Hill-style bow with any degree of backset, (the opposite of string follow), put into the limbs.
But it is great fun to shoot !
So-called "hand shock" so often mentioned alongside HIll-style bows.... (to me .....), ..... is not "shock" at all, but rather a sort of "recoil", which goes with the design. The "thump" your hand feels, should talk to you.
It is only uncomfortable (so-called "shock"), when the shooter uses improper hand/grip placement.
Whatever it is .... it is smoother with a string follow bow.
Different bowyers will offer different versions of string follow. the effects will be all different.
in short ...... String follow is worth trying.