I had the neatest thing happen this evening. I was out shooting before dark in preparation for tomorrow's hunt. AS I was walking back down the driveway my wife joined me and said, can I learn to play too! I was floored!! Up to this point she had not indicated any interest even though I had brought up the subject several times. She explained that now the kids have moved away she would like to explore traditional archery, and besides I always look like I am having so much fun! So.... I need some help/suggestions! All of my bows are too heavy for her so there really is no way for me to check what weight or draw length would be appropriate. In addition, there are no local bow shops that can assist. I am thinking 35# @ 24-26" draw length, 58 - 60" bow (my wife is 5' 5"). Not sure if a longbow or recurve is better.
Any thoughts / suggestions would be appreciated!