Well, I have to agree with Steve... I rarely ever feel "threatened" by gun hunters.
We are talking about young hunters... The future of our sport!!!!! AND the future protectors of our hunting rights!!!
My son is starting to hunt for the 1st time this year. He has his Jr. Archery license, and also his small game license. If he wants to deer hunt, we go bow hunting. If he wants to gun hunt, then we will grab the shotguns and go squirrel hunting!!! (or turkeys, pheasants, rabbits, whatever...) The point is to make it ENJOYABLE FOR HIM!!!!! Then, hopefully he will stick with it!!!
Longstick, Remember... Not EVERYONE in NY bowhunts!!! The seasons are designed to be compatable for everyone. We got an extra couple weeks this year. That however, does not mean that the woods are only for us bowhunters!!!!! Small game season, and fall Turkey season, has always started Oct.1st... Now that bow season started, they are suppossed to stay out of the woods??? They scheduled the youth hunt for Columbus day weekend. Would you have rather they scheduled it for the weekend before Thanksgiving??? During the peak of the Rut?????
You worry about deer becoming "nocturnal" because of a few gunshots??? You really shouldn't worry... I hav e gun and bow hunted all properties that I have hunted for almost 40 years. Trust me when I say, a few gunshots WILL NOT make the deer herd nocturnal...
What WILL... Is the mass herd of mostly "greenhorn" hunters, invading the woods, making noise, walking through bedding areas, putting on drives, shooting more times than they have to, etc. You WILL NOT, see this kind of mass confussion, on a youth hunt weekend!!! Hopefully, a few of the local youngsters will get out and get Lucky!!!
As for you... Why don't you pack you hunting gear, and get out there and see for yourself. I'm sure you'll be suprized how quiet it really is!!!