I'm sorry LongStick, But simply put...
It is SELFISH!!! and it is NOT about TIMING!!!
What it is... is that a FEW bowhunters are afraid, That for a FEW days, That a FEW kids with guns, are going to ruin there hunting!!!!!
It is about a few kids getting a chance to get out for a special hunt, BEFORE the usual opening day mess, that most here complain about.
Just alittle background on me... I have been bowhunting since 1976. I killed my 1st deer on the 1st sat of the 1976 bow season, and my 2nd deer on the 1st sat of the 1977 bow season, on my Grandfathers farm in Morrisville,N.Y. (Madison Co.) They were both does. Shooting does was illegal on the north side of Rt. 20, where my Grandfather's farm was. My Dad hunted 35 years before he killed his 1st deer. (a 210# 6 pointer) When I started bowhunting, I was the only bowhunter for miles!!! I did however have to contend with smallgame hunters every day... Trust me, deer do not like to be kicked out of a standing corn field by pheasant hunters with dogs!!!!! However, they took it in stride and headed for the nearest woodlot, untill the hunters were gone..... Then they moved right back in!!!
I killed my first few deer with an old Bear Alaskan recurve and wood arrows with Bear razorheads. I shot compounds in the late 1980's then back to "traditional" in the 1990's.
Over the years, I have encountered more bowhunters, and fewer small game hunters. The biggest thing that I have seen disturb deer is not gunfire... but pressure from people who walk through the woods disturbing their feeding/beding routine.
I gun hunt at times, however more and more, I bowhunt during gun season. This year Tyler is 13. The law states that he can bowhunt for deer, during both the bow and regular gun season. (providing that I also bowhunt, when accompanying him) Opening day of gun season this year, we will BOTH be carrying our Bear recurves!!!
and the gun hunters won't bother us a bit!!!