Oh sure Jack I understand.
So as I said we packed and headed out to get back home. The wind was at our backs again so we were somewhat comfortable that any bears in front of us would know we were there.
When we came to the spot in the trail where I had bumped the sow & cub in the trail by myself, there was a freshly killed salmon laying there. Fresh. Not flopping, but fresh, the iris of the eye was still golden. Apparently a bear had just caught it, smelled us, dropped it and ran (we were 15 yards from the stream, and salmon don't fly lol).
We hustled along to get out of that spot, what a dosvedonya from that place. Took part of a couple days to get all the way out.
We had a great time though, God Gives Good Gifts. We hunted hard, we hunted smart, and we left it on the field. But don't get me wrong I'm not done, just for this season.
I better throw at least one brown bear pic in, although it wasn't from this trip.
And here's a pic of one brown bear hunters kit.
Had a lot of Forest Gump quotable moments like, "Run Forest RUUUNN", and "...you never know what you're gonna get". But my favorite quote is the scripture in my tag line.
And just one more from Forest Gump now that the story's been told: "That's all I have to say about that".