did anyone take over the footed shaft? Its down in rochester oh 2 hours or so southeast of you. I havent been in in a few years now... Here's the web site.
http://www.footedshaftllc.com/ If you can I'd definatly go sit a spell with him and check the shop out. Its small and kinda cramped but it literally has it all from wall to wall (reason it feels so small and cramped LOL! The back room is all bows as was the ceiling....ceiling is all collector stuff. If there's one person in that state atleast in my book that would know where to or whose who in that area..he'd be the man.
Mr Holm is a few hours north of you. Chads a tradgang'r also....you can look him up on here. A stop I wish I would have made before he became famous making bows.....there's just never enough time trying to see family/hunt/fish and see some old friends.
You could stop by the zwickey shop in north st paul...they're right off 36. If you get on 35e north...hit 694, head east....easiest way is to get on 36 and head west 5 or so miles....you'll get on right at menards where 694 turns south. Its about 5 miles on your left, near the school (which is on the north side) and just west of the bear. Buildings a little tough to find but well worth it!
Havent been to coon rapids shoots in years...definatly worth it! The old indoor shoots were awesome! I never could make it to the big summer shoot. do they still have it shadman?
There used to be a bowyer up in Wyoming...got into building all graphite stuff along with self bows...I think the last name was Mckinney? There was another self bow guy down in shockapee (sp). I havent heard or seen anything from them in years but someone might be able to find them. I think I finally threw out the brochures LOL! maybe
If you get a wild hair....stop by whitecastle...buy a crave case of jalapeno burgers and onion chips and make a detour to fairbanks Ak on your way out
. I'll trade ya a salmon dinner!