I was very blessed an fortunate this morning at about 7:30. I was able to kill some meat with my 59# Maddog full size longbow. I shot this deer with a 510 grain Surewood fir tipped with a MA-3 broadhead at 22-23 yards on the ground. He ran less than 50. Arrow entered low on the left shoulder and poked through level on the other side.
This is a cool story. Last weekend we went to our hunting cabin for opening weekend intending on hunting but more on for repairs and general up keep. It was raining and fogged in all day but we got the work finished about 2:30, so we drove off the mountain to a farm we have permission to hunt.
As we were gathering our gear to go hunting the adjoining landowner who has never let us hunt pulled up and asked if we were fixing to shoot a deer with "one of those little bows". We replied telling him absolutely. He was intrigued and kept talking about if we were serious about killing a deer with the longbows. Long story short, we must have won him over because he ended up telling us where he thought we should be hunting on his land.
So this morning, I did just that. It was a pretty decent walk from where I had to park but I knew where I was going due to looking around last weekend after the invite. So I went to my brushpile I had drug to the appropiate place and climbed in. At 7:30 here came the deer and he stopped broadside at about 22-23 yards. I put it where it counts and he went down in kess than 5 seconds.
I had to drag the deer almost 3/4 mile I guess, but the best part was I was dragging in through the corner of the woods towards my truck parked beside his house when he walked out on the porch. He was pretty tickled that "those little bows" got it done.
I want to give thanks ro the Lord for the great opportunity, the landowner for allowing it, and Mike Mecredy for building me such a great bow. And thanks Old Crow for the good luck charm. It sure seems to be working. Praise the Lord for the health and great meat and God BLess you all.