I hunted out of a buddy's stand this morning that hunts on our farm and about 8:00 I stood up to strech my legs and POP! next thing I new I was hanging by my harness strap. Come to find out he rachet straps that attach the stand to the tree had broke, he said they were old. Thank the Lord my wife talked me into getting a harness in 2007. What would have been a 20ft. drop to a rocky ground would have at least broke my legs and if I had feel right maybe even my neck. Instead of a tragic event I calmly reached my climbing sticks unhooked and climbed down and went to another stand and saw some deer and almost got a shot at a doe. On a side note for saftey, rachet straps are cheap buy a new set every couple of years, being out in the elements from August till January takes its toll.