Well I think I am starting to get the hang of this trad thing! I started out this afternoon about 130pm and was atop my hiding perch by 205. I thought I had dressed warm enough and soon learned differently. The wind was coming out of the North West perfect for the stand I chose to hunt. The stand was actually hung buy a fellow Tradganger a few years back and was where I killed my first trad whitetail late last season. I skimmped on the extra layers for fear I would get hot on the walk in and then be cold!! HA Learn something every trip to the woods. This stand was set up over a heavily used trail that was about 6 yards from the base of my tree. It skirts the edge of a THICK russian olive patch and there is a small open runway between the hard wood fence row and the crop field. I felt good after putting a new strap on the stand and settled in. I fought off the temps by flinging arrows at a few gray squirrels. Unfortunatly I never connected. All were mere misses tho. I was confident if a deer happened by I would be having loin for dinner! After the squirrels had all wised up I was standing facing the wind with my arms crossed trying to fight off that breeze, when I noticed a lone doe rapidly approaching. She quickly made her way up the trail right in front of me. With out much mental effort my shrew was drawn, I was at anchor and the Beman was on its way. Shot her just a little bit right of where I was looking. She had a little bush right over her shoulder and I think that got in my head a little as I shot. She was quartering away fairly well. My arrow entered right in front of the paunch and took at out the back of both lungs. The Zwickey left a great blood trail and she only made it a mere 55 yards before expiring.

I was super excited to make a quick recovery and said an audible prayer of thanks for hunt and harvest.

I got her home and skinned out and decided that inside straps, some heart and some hen of the woods mushrooms would be on the menu for dinner!
Got the mushrooms from a fellow tradganger.. Thanks Brock! Heres how things unfolded in the kitchen...

Not a huge eater of fried food but man every now and then a mans diet just has to take a back seat to good eats!

Finished product.

And mom would be proud cause this boy made a HAPPY plate!