A couple years ago I had a nice buck trailing a big old doe. She came by me at about ten yards. The buck was going to pass into my shooting lane at about 15 yards. I waited for the doe to get by me before I tried to draw on the buck. She was about five yards past me to my left. The buck stepped into my lane and I started to draw. Out of the corner of my eye I caught movement to my left, then I heard that dreaded sound you heard on the video. She blasted out of there and so did the buck, even though he never knew just why.
The next weekend, I was in the same stand. I saw a big doe coming down the fence line upwind of me. About every ten yards or so she would stop and look up into the trees. When she was about forty yards away, she found what she was looking for...ME! I was sitting dead still, but she still picked me off, snorting and flagging across the pasture.
Those big old does don't get that way by being stupid or forgetful. If you want a true trophy, try killing one of those old donkey-faced does. They make the bucks look like amateurs!