I've been having to look for new spots to hunt lately.
Some private land was sold…can't hunt there now.
One public spot has been blocked off..grrr
and I had to come to the hard realization that some public land I had been hunting is just too far to drive. $13 in gas there and back…just can't be doing that.
So I starting searching again.
Found a nice little public spot about 8 mins from the house.
I wasn't able to scout it a lot. But I was able to find a few decent trails.
The hardest part was finding a spot that didn't look to be "claimed" already.
I picked a spot and built myself a little blind.

View to the hopeful trail. Arrows are about 15yds away.

View from the trail to the blind..had my orange vest hanging the blind just to see if I'd be concealed well enough..

I was able to hunt it all day the first couple days of the season ( Oct 1,2)
Didn't see anything except birds and squirrels.
The second day I decided to spend from noon till 3 scouting for another place to set up.
Found one nice spot that had some good trails and quite a few rubs.
I decided to sit there for 45mins and get a feel for the the place.
..lol...While sitting there, I watched 2 separate groups of 3 people come right to the trail and talk about how they're going to set up "in that tree" next weekend.
I didn't feel like adding wood to that fire and figured I'd better keep scouting.....