I have a little girl that is eat-up with the outdoors. She especially likes to go when we have a pop-up blind. She gets to nap, look at her books, and ask tons of questions when she's there and kinda nows she doesn't have to be quite as still.

Personally I don't like as much as they get a little tight for my wandering soul. I have gone to a ghilli and had some success this spring on an old tom. But when I am with her she gets to call the shots

Saturday it was her turn to go, and we popped up a blind between some bedding cover and an open field. I figured it could work as a dual pupose spot: Some morning deer hunting as well as a great place for birds to come to. We are blessed with a healthy turkey population as well as whitetails!
So the boss lady helped me brush in our blind. She was pulling huge chunks of moss up and throwing them on top to "make it purty". I did my best to encourage her, too. After about an hour sit she wanted to bail so I walked her back to the house (a 1/2 mile for me is short. For a little blonde, curious girl it is FOREVER). After getting her ordered bowl of soup and passing the baton to mom, I headed back to our spot. Here's our setup:

So before I got back to the blind I heard birds. Sounded like they were sorting out the flock something fierce. Fighting purrs, gobbles and squawks of all sorts were lighting up the woods. I barely made it to the blind before I could see birds out in the field. Looked to be about 50 hens and 10 jakes/toms. Soon as my butt hit the stool I let out a few cackles and kee-kee calls. Instantly I had answers and bunch of birds walked right into the blind window.
I had trouble picking one out. It was a fluid movement of birds jumping on one another and calling. Finally one of the small hens paused and I let out a little purr from my mouth. Sight picture, draw, thump! The 700 grain Wilderness Custom doug fir hit her perfect. She flopped 2 more times and that was it. I had other targets and another tag but let them go. I had dinner and for a lucky man like me, that was enough on this day.

It is amazing what this great 'ol Ace Super Express did. This is my third turkey with this same head. As we speak it is sharp again ready to find a whitetail. After thanking God for the time to do this and the recovery from my little ordeal a year ago I flung the bird over my shoulder and headed for home. I knew my kids would be pumped and my wife happy 'cause I was cooking. There was still plenty of daylight left for a deer hunt but when you are blessed you are blessed. Took my bird and soaked up the experience with my clan.

Thanks for reading and good luck this fall. I am back in trees again but wear a lifeline 100% of the time. I could have missed this hunt and many more to come as well as setting up my blind with my future huntress.
*One more for the road.