Well, I finally was able to kill a deer with my stickbow, after a couple of years without training wheels. Shout out to Joebuck for helping with my tackle and form.
The hunt itself is not much of a story; sitting near some white oak trees after a stormy cold front blew through and she came slipping out about 20 min before sunset.
The real story is in the tracking and recovery. I hit a rib going in and did not get the penetration I wanted - stopped just inside the hide on the off side - so it was a long tracking job. I was hunting on my friend's farm - we've been hunting together for 30 years and getting to enjoy the place with his family is a real blessing. He and his 15 y.o. daughter brought some lights and came to help track right after dark. Turns out that Mikaela is the ace tracker in the group; she used the flash feature on her iphone (which was brighter than my Streamlight) and tracked for almost 4 hours through some extremely wooly cover until we found the deer.
Backstraps tonight; starting to rig up some EFOC arrows with heavier BH's tomorrow.
Oh, gear was a 1968 Kodiak Mag I got from a fellow TG'er to help rehab my bad shoulder, 45# @ my 28" draw. POC shafts with Zwickey Eskimo's.
Thanks to all on the Gang for advice and inspiration.