I develop a true sickness this time of year and cant seem to think on anything but deer and deer hunting. Its the way I've always been, guess I was born that way. I know many of you are the same way.
I've been hunting alot for more than a week and Im getting close to dropping the string but have not yet. Between that and work Ive been scarce around the homestead. Yesterday was like any day getting out of work. I planned to mow the lawn right quick, shower and hit the woods afterwards. Well,,, my little guy got off the school bus and for some reason was just thrilled to see me, more than usual and even jumped in to help with yard work. He even made a sign to post "We're Working".
It smacked the taste right out of my mouth, Ive been hunting too much, for his liking anyway and thats all that matters to me. Needless to say we had a grand ol time together all evening (until homework time :rolleyes: )and after taking note of the perfect wind for the stand I planned to sit, hunting was pushed to the back of my mind for an afternoon.
He didnt want to hunt otherwise Id have taken him out with me. Oh, you can bet I'll be back in the woods within a day or two but just like other years past, something reminded me to slow it down a bit and this was it. And man o man do they grow fast as my oldest has shown me, homework, girls and sports (not even close to that order) have taken priority over yard work and "Working With Pops". So just a friendly reminder from one family man to 37,000 or so othershave fun and hunt hard but "DONT FORGET WHAT MATTERS MOST!"