I have been going back between two anchors for 3 under: one shorter around 27 1/4" closer to the front of my jaw and one about 28" a little further back (using middle finger nuckle on my jaw line). After looking at videos/pictures, people like Fred Bear, Howard Hill, Byron Ferguson seem to have an anchor closer to the front but I could be wrong. Their anchor has worked well for them. I also think how far forward I lean when I draw and the sequence of my draw also place a part in this variance.
2nd question: Did fred bear have a short draw, It seems like there are a lot of "short" bows in the bear line.
Different forms of shooting have different purposes and I am wanting to use mine for 3d and hunting. Hunting puts you in situations where you might not have the most room for consistent form. This is where I think the shorter draw would have an advantage. I have always read not to short draw yourself so Im just curious what your thoughts are. Thanks!