5:33 PM
About another half hour of glassing and not seeing anything i notice the sun is getting low. I decide im going to get down in the bottoms and still hunt until the day is over. I start the hunt, walk about 10 yards and stop and listen, 10 more stop and listen. Then i hear it, the tell tail sound of a pig clearing there nostrils then another and another then some grunts. It sounds like they are 40 or 50 yards in front of me. Now this grass and brush is knee high to arm pit high in some spots so i can only see about ten yards. I make my way to the sound and there they are looks to be about 10 or so. There moving off, I take a step to get a clearer view and three of them stop dead, that's all it took, up came the bow, draw, hit anchor and the arrows away. Bam blew through both solders and took out both lungs. 100 to 110 pound black boar made it about 25 yards.