Good post! Seems to me that sometimes we take something as pure and simple as traditional archery and turn it into a physics and scientific nightmare, when in fact the tried and true wood shafts and 125 gr. heads have been bringing down big game for yrs.
Dont get me wrong, the advances in arrow and broadhead technology benefit us all, but sometimes i feel that we lose sight of the tools of the trade that have proven themselves time and time again, in the hands of folks such as Bear, Swinehart, Hill, Pearson, Ishi ,ETC ( you get my point).
Not being one to follow trends, and choosing the simpler, and more rewarding path of traditional archery, i choose not to not make a scientific experiment out of every trip to the range or field, i think ill stand pat with what works V.S what works, but requires a P.H.D to make it work.
History is our greatest teacher, so why not be its pupil?