I had the pleasure of sharing a camp this weekend with my friend Greg Szalewski, a fellow PBS'r and WTA member. Greg has had a phenomenal season already, having taken a spring turkey, Wisconsin bear, great buck, and a doe this fall. I figured anyone with that kind of luck was good to hang around with...
Greg had punched out early on Friday and drove straight up to my cabin, arriving in plenty of time to hunt yet that afternoon. He was in doe only mode, and I walked him in to one of the better stands on the property. As we walked in we jumped two deer that had been bedded 10 yards away from the stand. Dang!!
I went to another stand just west and up on top of the hill from where I had left Greg. Two does, each with a fawn in tow, feed down the hill about 40 yards away in the direction where Greg sat in wait. I got this picture which I found interesting. Hadn't realized that blacktail deer had infiltrated our state
http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y80/Jlasch/2012%20Deer/2012DeerHunts071.jpg They fed down the ridge between Greg and I. He was able to see two of them from his stand, but eventually they headed on to the corn fields below without taking the trail we had hoped.