I didn't do the poll because I do both. It depends on how early I get up and how fast I move when I get up.
I don't think the deer give a hoot about flashlights. I have one now that has a red led which is okay for walking in. The red light is NOT intended as a way to avoid scaring deer. It is so that YOUR night vision is not inhibited by the light. A bright, white light reduces your night vision for about 30 minutes on average. The red light has little or no effect on your night vision.
I rarely bump deer walking in at first light, but you do need to get settled in the stand quickly or the deer will be on you. I killed a buck a couple of years ago on a morning that I overslept and got into the stand right at legal shooting time. I can called him in and killed him before I even had time to don a face mask. Heck I didn't even have an arrow on my bow when I first saw him. I don't really like cutting it that close, but I don't mind walking in during that predawn period when the eastern horizon just begins to show light. Usually I can see without lights at that point.
Still, I agree with those who like to see the day begin from a tree stand. I don't know that it makes killing a deer any easier, but it is pretty cool anyway.