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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: STALKER RECURVES "Original Riser" w/ Prototype Static Limbs (1st hunt, pics) pg5  (Read 3570 times)

Offline joekeith

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Originally posted by Bowwild:
If I were to buy another bow right now it would likely be one of these.  Frankly the grip is the most intriguing thing to me. I'm wondering how similar it is to the Fox High Sierra?  I know a lot of the Oregon bowyers have similar influences but have unique differences as well.
Yep, I agree completely.  Even agree witH the Fox comparison.  I just want to get ahold of one and see if it feels THAT good.   :bigsmyl:

Offline Ryan Sanpei

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Keith, just to let you know, South has a " test drive" program.

Offline owlbait

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The grip is the best I have shot. Most repeatable, and my hand just slides into place like wearing a glove. South is a great guy to work with and Ryan will give you the straight scoop with an additional helping of integrity when he gives us the review.
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Offline Ryan Sanpei

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Thanks for the kind words Mike!     :thumbsup:    

With all this "grip talk", I need to post some pics.  I have a "point & shoot" shooting style and this grip works well for me.  Please keep in mind that I did "customize my grip a little.





Online Razorbak

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SWEET RISER RYAN!!!!  how thick is the throat and kinda looks like the riser is offset slightly to get bones in alignment for a more comfortable grip
TGMM Family of the Bow

Offline Ryan Sanpei

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The throat is 1.75" x 1".  I had him slim the throat for my small hands.

Yes, it is offset.  I know everyone's built a little different, but it fits may hand perfect when I naturally point towards the target.


Does this picture help to see how my hand fits with the offset?


Offline Ryan Sanpei

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After building the string, it was time to see how it shot. Step one for me is the paper tuner.  For myself, if I can't tune it, I won't shoot it.

Added the quiver full of arrows.  All my tuning is done with my full hunting set up.


First string and second string of shots.  I had a nock low, a nock left and two good shots in the first string.


For an initial set up, I was happy with the second string of shots.  


Offline Ryan Sanpei

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I was curious, so I ran it through the chrono. It was just for kicks, It's not the exact number.  I didn't have someone to verify my draw length.


I'll get better readings tomorrow when my buddy comes over.  We'll also compare some speeds with other Stalker bows in similar weights.

The data won't be perfect though,  I'm not using a shooting machine and trigger.  It'll be finger released by me, but I will shoot it at least five times or more and take the average.  Although not 100% accurate because of human error, personally I prefer the data that's coming from the "real life application".

Offline Nathan Killen

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Keep it coming Ryan ! This is fun !
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Offline Bowwild

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Love the bow hand set pictures!  Looks very comfortable and the knuckle angle is terrific.

Sorry if I missed it but I couldn't find a draw weight spec for the bow at your 26" draw length?  Also, what was the weight of the arrow going through the chronograph?

Can you really feel a difference in the draw with the static limb tips vs. standard?

Offline Easykeeper

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Great looking bow, love the write up too...   :thumbsup:

Online Razorbak

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Pictures are perfect. That's the grip size I prefer. Good speed for the weight and draw length. Will kill anything on the island and the mainland as well   Looks like I'm gonna be in the market for a stalker as soon as I sell my thunderchilds   Can't wait to see how the bow compares to the hybrid static. Looking forward to your results and thank you for doing this. Will open a lot of eyes that's for sure
TGMM Family of the Bow

Offline Ryan Sanpei

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Thanks Nathan!

Roy, the bow is 53# @ 26" and the arrow that I shot in that picture is 480gr.  I'll get more data this afternoon. As for the draw, my first impression was that it was very smooth.  I haven't shot the dynamic in awhile, so I'm going to have my friend bring it over so I can compare.  South and I did an informal draw force curve in his shop and it increased at an acceptable rate out to 28".  I forgot the exact numbers, we were just checking for stacking.  Scaling the bow out to 28" is something on my "to do list."

Thanks Tod!

Mahalo Art! If all goes well, I hoping to do some informal comparisons between the hybrid, the original dynamic and the original static.

Offline Bowwild

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Online Razorbak

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man oh man I cant wait for the test results..wish you had one of his longbows there as well..Im leaning towards the hybid handle with static limbs and longbow limbs off the same riser..thats my dream bow and I think Im gonna pull the trigger...real soon
TGMM Family of the Bow

Online Razorbak

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Ryan after looking over the pics again..they are awesome..great pics..really tells a story..great detail
TGMM Family of the Bow

Offline Ryan Sanpei

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We do have one of his longbows, but it's a 70lb "buff bow"   :D

Hopefully I'll be equipped better next year.  Then I'll be able to get some good data!  It's all part of the plan!   :thumbsup:


Offline Ryan Sanpei

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So I was able to grab the original riser with the dynamic limbs, the hybrid riser with static limbs and the prototype bow.  All these bows had the same nock height, same 14 strand 8125 string and same silencers.  The only difference is that I didn't have a set of limbsavers for the prototype.  
First thing that I did was set the brace to 7.5".  Then I double checked the poundage.

The original handle with the prototype static limbs.


The hybrid handle with the static limbs.


The original riser with the dynamic limbs.


They were all scaled at 26".  The greatest variance was .4lbs.

Offline Ryan Sanpei

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Then I weighed the arrow which shot well out of all three bows.


Offline Ryan Sanpei

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Next it was time for the chrono.  Keep in mind that all chrono's read a little different.  I have an indoor lighting kit on mine to keep things as consistent as possible.

The prototype.


The hybrid.


The original.


I shot each bow at least six times.  The prototype shot between 173-175fps, (majority was 174-175). The hybrid shot between 174-176fps  (majority 175-176) and the original shot between 172-174fps (majority 172-173).  I would give the original at least 1fps due to the .3-.4 lb discrepancy.

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