And he's just barely dead!
I burned 3 vacation days at work so I could be off last weekend to hunt. I got up last Friday morning and headed down to the funnel where I killed my last 3 deer last year. It was the first time I'd set foot in there since last December.
I eased in at first light and drilled a tree that I picked out last year. After hanging my stand, I got settled in and checked my watch. It was 7:40. At 8:30, I heard a little sound behind me, and turned to see this big boy passing through. No chance for video in that direction, so I forgot about the camera and got ready. He was a ways out there, but if he kept on his current path, he would hit an opening at 30 yards. I tightened my grip on the bow, and put a little pressure on the string. When he cleared the last tree, I mouth bleated at him and he locked up, broadside and wide open. I hit anchor, and as soon as my bow arm settled in, I released. The arrow flew perfectly, but seemed to drop out at the last second. He never moved until the arrow arrived. I honestly thought I missed low. He ran off, and I lost sight of him just before he hit a slough full of water. I was standing there feeling sorry for myself, when all of a sudden I heard a crash. I almost fell out of the tree! I didn't know what to think. I had to climb down and check my arrow to see what happened. When I walked over, my arrow was stuck in the dirt and covered with blood. I knew right then that I had him. I bloodtrailed him about 20 yards, and then looked up and saw him about 40 yards ahead, dead as a wedge. When I walked up on him and checked the wound, I had hit him right on the white hairline. The edge of the Treeshark had actually cut him on the point of the elbow.
He is, by far, my biggest buck ever in over 29 years of hunting, bow or gun. It sure is nice to get paid to hunt! Lol!!
Thank you LORD!