Steve...the eyes. I started with a 35# bow so I could perfect my form AND learn to aim with my left eye. Shooting 5 yds into my pillow bag in the shop.
I found that if I canted my head in too much, my right eye seemed to take over causing my arrows to fly wide. Also found if I held the bow in a more upright position, was easier on the left eye. My 3 misses were 2 high, 1 low...all perfect flight, I just judged the distance wrong. Those shots were between 25-30 yds.
Closing the right eye when starting out may help but I didn't want to go there. Another reason for starting with the lighter bow, I learned how to draw the arrow back without too much finger curl, which has the arrow bouncing off the shelf.
Finally, a staunch believer in John Schulz..."upon release both hands do nothing." Finally achieved that after about a month of shooting. I was a bit anxious to peek and see where my arrow was flying and determine how the bow felt when shooting from static to canting.
It's not as hard as it seems, take your time, start with a light bow, work on your basics and it will come in time. Hopefully by late summer I will be back shooting RH also.