Maddog makes a fine bow, only problem is you rarely see one for sale. He has 2 models, A Prarie Predator that cost less than that and a Mountaineer that cost more. He sells his new ones for what most ask for used ones. I own them both and man are they pretty and shooters to boot. Only problem is you got o wait if you go that route.
as far as used bows, all are good. You jus gotta find the one hat is the bes for you which will be easier since you don't really know what you like best. The grip is the big thing on anybow which is why waiting 2-3 months for a bow built to your standards might be the best longrun investment.
I agree with whip, that Grizzly is probably fine if you didn't leave it wet, or in direct sunlight. Put some pics up of it so we can help you determine if it is shootable. Give Maddog a real look see if you decide to go the custom route. If you are stuck buying used a Mohawk is a real catch as well for me. And a Toelke whip does it for me too. MY favorites behind the Maddogs, but geting either 2 used for the $300 don't happen often. I do have a buddy looking to sell hiis whip for $425. God Bless