I guess you guys deserve a story.
I wish it could be a neat and tidy story, but not so. It started off bad.
Yesterday, I and my stepson (Wyatt) went to some oaks that are dropping heavy and the deer are really liking it. The bad part is that I made a not so good shot getting an arrow covered in paunch contents and watching the deer disappear into a cut over with high grass, weeds, and tree tops pushed up into piles. I located the blood trail and followed till it started getting dark and we backed out.
Chris Montgomery (akaboomer) and I have been in regular communication reporting what we're seeing, wind direction, etc. by text the whole day. When my cell phone goes dead, he calls on the landline and offers to come this morning to help search. So he shows up and off we go at daylight. We find the trail and follow for some distance, blood getting harder to see in the grass as well as our first frost is obscuring the sign.
We took along my little Rat Terrier (Daisy) to "help", thinking she might turn out to be some help.
She meant well, but she was more interested in the smaller creatures under and around logs and brush.