Thank you guys.
I have to extend a big thanks to akaboomer for his help in the search. He also inspired me to keep looking even though we lost the blood trail.
It was particlarly satisfying to take the deer during the muzzleloading season. I determined for myself to hunt this year till I got a deer without resorting to a fire arm.
One little aside to our experience. Daisy (my little dog) loves to go with me on such walks in the woods. As we were walking in to the blind area where I took the shot, we were very quiet and moved slow, watching ahead because every time I aproach the blind, I spook deer. Sure enough, Chris and I spotted some deer and were standing on the creek bank studying them through the binos when all of a sudden Daisy jumped in the creek right behind us! She made a huge splash and noise for such a small dog! The deer and us spooked and she calmy climbs out and shake off right beside us.