Well, I won't know whether I made the right decision until it's over, but I'm going bison hunting! Basically decided that if I was ever lucky enough to draw again I might be too old to appreciate it. So now is the time.
My biggest concern is that I will be sharing the mountain with 30 other hunters and all of their friends and relatives. The solution (I hope!) to that problem will be having mules to get away from the crowd.
Homebru hooked me up with his wife's uncle(?) who is an outfitter in the Henry's and has guided lots of hunters for bison there. He knows the country, and has the stock to get us where we need to be. We'll be camping in wall tents and riding mules to get to the bison. No matter how it ends up it will be an adventure of a lifetime for me!?
This is a huge trip for me, but an opportunity that I just couldn't let slip away. Wish me luck- I think I am going to need it! Now the mad scramble to try to get myself in some semblance of mountain shape so I can try not to embarrass myself!