08 was the last year i shot a deer with my bow so I wasn't going to be too picky.
Saturday morning I was in one of my favorite stands in a corner of hard woods that was bordered by pines on both sides. Deer use the edge as a travel route.
I actually not seen a deer in this area the last two years until I saw a doe about 2 weeks ago. Two years of a hundred plus inches of snow and unlimited doe tags will put a dent in the deer herd.
It was a beautiful 27 degree frosty morning when i heard a deer approaching from the South which is where the deer usualy come from in the morning from the fields to there bedding area. I could see with my binos it was a small buck. I grunted at him but he kept on his path passing me at about 60 yards. 15 minutes later I heard crunching from the same direction the first buck came and saw two more bucks following the same path. The first one was a nice 8 point followed by a smaller buck. They weren't coming my way so i grunted at them and the smaller buck lifted his head and started my way. He came behind my stand at 10 yards and the arrow was on it's way! I hit him high in the back and he dropped in his tracks. I quickly dispatched him with another arrow. He had 8 points with a narrow spread. I guess it's better to be lucky then good sometimes. I shot him with my Robertson Stykbow Tribal Styk. Gold tip 3555 shafts and 175gr. VPA heads.