The other day I and my brother and a buddy. jumped two in some peaches but we was playing with our air rifles. Today snuck off with out them to try to stick one of the two we jumped. And I went and left all my arrows at home ,well I still had 14 in the quiver but no back ups. First two stands had them come in and slam on the brakes at about 60 -70 yards and warp out of there. Tried for some rabbits and squirrels . Killed three arrows and lost a couple. Only got one squirrel. $40 + squirrel. Late in the day was in the orchard that we jumped the two. Got at the far end of the orchard wind in my face.Did some rabbit stuff and in maybe two minutes had one at 30 yards and closing Took a shot it stumbles and gets up and vanishes. Im in some peaches thats kinda clean inbetween the rows of trees but where the trees are its two to three feet tall. Its getting late and the moon just came up. Thinking this might not be good. But pretty sure I hit it.

About 20 minutes later I find it.Strait on chest shot at maybe ten yards or so.

Another big guy with some scars and a touch of mange.