yep, the thin blades just don't have as much slanted edge pushing the head around.
maybe you've been a trad hunter for years and have forgotten more about it than I'll ever know, maybe you haven't..but just in are a couple thoughts I'll give up in true sincerity.
I wouldn't let the amount of rotation influence your broadhead choice much unless you're going after BIG RIB BONED game. Even then I'd be thinking thicker=stronger...the added rotation for bone breaking is just a bonus.
I have a very inquisitive mind and I like to research all the details of things for fun.
I've done it for a few years in this trad way of hunting.
if your curiosity gets the best of ya research away buddy.
But speaking from experience, after thinking...a whole lot of research, actual sleepless nights with my mind whirring trying to figure the absolute best of everything....
It get's so much more fun and relaxing once you realize you just need a straight shooting arrow with a sharp broad head...darn near any broadhead.
...and some
Good luck in the woods!