About forty yards out he encountered an old windfallen tree, which he proceeded to snap branches off in an obvious display of aggression and dominance. It was quite a show and I really felt he'd close the gap to me when he finished.
He suddenly looked back toward where he'd come from, just as another doe came into view. With that, he turned and walked away to cut off the new arrival. As he neared her, he broke into a trot, which caused her to lope away from his advances.
As he stood there watching her, I let out a couple more "wheezes", which he seemed to ignore. Seconds later, he turned and once again headed my way, only stopping once to rub a small tree. He then continued marching toward my location.
He passed me broadside at maybe twenty yards, offering a wide open shot that I sent right over his back. He bounded forward about thirty yards, stopped to look at his backtrail, then walked off as if nothing had happened.
Once I was sure he was gone, I pulled the stand, found the errant arrow and snuck out of the woods in total disgust!