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Author Topic: Painted Crown on Legacy shafts? Photos?  (Read 552 times)

Offline Bud B.

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Painted Crown on Legacy shafts? Photos?
« on: November 01, 2012, 07:20:00 AM »
For those of you who have crown dipped or sprayed some Legacy shafts( (or any aluminum shaft)  how did you do it, what did you use, and how well has your method held up?

I have a doz 1916s coming from Big Jim and I want a crown on them but wondered what type of paint to use and whether to dip or rattle can spray. Also, does any prep need to be done to the shafts other than cleaning real well with alcohol or similar solution?

What works best with Bohning fetch tape? Paint or wraps?

Some photos of yours would be nice if you want to show off your work.

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"You can learn more about deer hunting with a bow and arrow in a week, than a gun hunter might learn all his life." ----- Fred Bear

Offline Swamp Yankee

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Re: Painted Crown on Legacy shafts? Photos?
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2012, 07:44:00 AM »
There is quite a bit of information online.  I'd start with Easton's website.  Just jumping in here to suggest NOT using alcohol or any solvent for the final cleaning.  Over many years I've found the tried and true best way to prepare aluminum shafts is to scrub them with Comet or Ajax type of abrasive cleanser followed by a clean water rinse, dry with a clean paper towel and paint within half an hour or less.  Rattle can, lacquer dip or gasket; lots of options to try and find what works for you.  3Rivers is a good source of information and supplies.  Most importantly, have fun!
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Offline Bud B.

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Re: Painted Crown on Legacy shafts? Photos?
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2012, 08:10:00 AM »
Thanks Dan.
TGMM Family of the Bow >>>>---------->

"You can learn more about deer hunting with a bow and arrow in a week, than a gun hunter might learn all his life." ----- Fred Bear

Online J. Holden

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Re: Painted Crown on Legacy shafts? Photos?
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2012, 08:14:00 AM »
I've taken my alluminums to the wire wheel and taken them down to the bare alluminum.  Takes a little time but then I can prime them.  Then I take a rattle can and go to town.  You can tape it off for a crisp line or you can fade it to the finish.  I use Krylon spray paint, a never ending color wheel of options.  Oh, and the I use Duco for the fletchings.  Seems to work the best.

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Offline Charlie Lamb

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Re: Painted Crown on Legacy shafts? Photos?
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2012, 09:08:00 AM »
I clean the area to be dipped with Acetone or MEK until "squeaky" clean. Really! When the shaft is properly clean it will give a high pitched "squeak" when drawn through the solvent soaked paper towel.

Then dip or paint immediately. Scouring powders work fine, but I usually follow up with the acetone anyway.
In the days before hard anodizing an aluminum shaft would oxidize almost faster than you could get it fletched. Cleaning with Ajax or the like was mandatory and you'd have to clean until the shaft quit giving up black streaks on the paper towel or rag.

Fletch Lac was designed in those days just for painting aluminum shafts. (can be used on any material)
It's what I still use today. Fletch Tite works fine with it.    

Tape will adhere to any finish.
Hunt Sharp


Offline joe skipp

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Re: Painted Crown on Legacy shafts? Photos?
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2012, 01:26:00 PM »
I've always used Bohning paints. You always need a base coat of white for all colors, especially florescents. Thin out to the right consistancy and apply 2 coats.

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Offline bigbadjon

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Re: Painted Crown on Legacy shafts? Photos?
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2012, 05:52:00 PM »
I do the Bohning thing like Charlie and Joe for aluminums. Before I dip the crown I like to first dip it in clear. I find that I get better coverage that way.
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Offline luvnlongbow

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Re: Painted Crown on Legacy shafts? Photos?
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2012, 07:05:00 PM »
I do mine like this:

Clean with Acetone
Tape off
Spray (Krylon) white primer
Tape area for crest(unless I use white)
Spray top color
Cover with one coat of Pro-Fin
Install nocks
Fletch using Fletch tape

Works great for me.

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