I was hunting on the edge of a hillside cedar thicket. The cedars were all about 8 feet tall and they made a perfect natural blind. Above me I heard a group of turkeys putting and purring. Having a fall turkey tag and being well concealed, I was getting a bit excited as they worked down the hill towards me and getting closer. The putts turned into purts and I thought that one must have come in and spotted me. Suddenly, the whole flock took to the air and behind one of birds as it gained altitude, a mountain lion appeared launching straight up out of the cedars taking an aerial swipe at a turkey. I don't remember much of what happened next, but I do remember looking back at the hillside when it was about 200 yards away and thinking that things like this are not supposed to happen in Iowa, but it did explain the piles of turkey remains buried under mounds of cedar duff.