Haha, I totally Identify with this post...that's why in two months of being back into trad after a 15+ year hiatus I now own 9 bows!!! I am seriously trying to sell maybe at least 3 and get it down to 6, and then well see. I don't envision always having so many, I'd like maybe 3-4 "keepers", but like so many have said its an addiction, they really are works of art in a way, plus you can always buy/sell/trade and try new things. I must say after sampling various recurves and longbows, they all have unique personalities and not all of them are good personalities, not all of them are exciting, so don't feel "married" to any of your bows, you can let some go and get new ones that are more fulfilling of your needs and desires in a bow, haha. Good luck!