So, since I've been back into trad over the last couple months I've built myself a nice little collection of bows (9!!!) that keeps growing (but also need to get rid of the non-keepers!...ok I'll admit it I've become a trad bow addict in short time.)
Anyway, I recently received a Martin "The Stick" in the mail..I've been wanting a Hill style bow for a while and I came upon a crazy deal on this so-called Stick (people apparently hate them!) and couldn't pass it I figured, with all the bad reviews (including the nomer of 'worst bow') and wanting a Hill style bow I might as well try the 'worst' one first and work my way up from there, plus since I got it cheap I can resell it cheap...
Anyway, I shot the thing. You know what, not bad I say! The darn thing shoots where you point it, quite well actually. Yeah the shelf is tiny, gotta really cant that #$%@er, haha. Ok, sure the grip is small, I even read someone call it "for a child", but I'm 6'2' big fella and I thought it was enough. Ok, it has's certainly not unbearable by any stretch and none of my other bows (rec/ R/D) have any so it was the first handshock bow I've had and I could take it...but think about it, The Stick is smallllll and liiiiight...I mean SUPER's actually one of the best features of this bow truly and genuinely is A STICK. Why wouldn't it have handshock???? I'm just thinking of that from an engineering type standpoint. Who knows, maybe a better design could solve that, but who'm I to say? Well, there it is, thought I would add a positive review to the gaggle of reviews, MOSTLY negative, for the proverbial STICK. LOL. First Hill style bow, not all that bad, pretty good in some ways, and will keep me on the path to more Hill style bows, no doubt about it.
Edit/addition: also, since taking up trad again after so many years, I've been really excited how accurate I'm getting...15-20 yds is becoming "easy" with bullseye groups becoming commonplace and the ability to walk around the target at varying distances within a 20-25 yd range and put arrows center target...I still get fliers and sometimes scattered groups if I'm not feeling "on" but I'm really really starting to think about ditching my wh$^*%& bow for hunting purposes and going 100% trad and nothing else, I went hunting day before yesterday with the wh@#%%## bow and was disgusted by how heavy it was, how much gear I was hauling, having that damn release practically taped to my wrist, uughh...when is it a good time to ditch the 'training wheels', in other words when should I feel qualified to go hunt something with one of my now many stickbows??? should I try for Squirrel first? Should I work on getting in range of deer first sans bow...thoughts? hopes/dreams, advice?