I'm in Bear Trap, they opend a s,all portion next to hominy.
Better day today. 4 deer in 12 hours. Three bucks though. One I bumped on the way out, unsure what it was. The first one at 7:30 was about 120ish but offered no shot. That kept me going until about noon. I had been grunt calling off and on all morning to no avail. I heard two distinct grunts out in front of me about 60 yards but could see no movement. I grunted an estrous bleat but got nothing. I closed my eyes for a minute. I opened my eyes and looked to my right and must have looked like a cartoon character with my eyes bugged out! Out there at about 90-100 yards was the biggest buck I have ever seen in the field.
Not much of a judge but comparing him to the 160" buck killed this evening, he was wider and taller. Not as much mass though. Some of his tines were at least 8-10" long and I'd say his rack was at least 20-22" wide inside and 18" tall!
I grabbed my grunt call and grunted at him with a medium low grunt. He snorted at me like the snort wheeze sound but gave no wheeze.
I thought he's gonna come kick some butt! He milled around some then wandered off leaving me super charged for several hours.
The third buck I saw was 10 yards out in front of my stand before I saw him. This guy was a real monster! Imagine a 5 year old child making two peace signs.... thats how big his rack was. LOL
If he had been a doe then it would have been game on as they are giving quality passes this year. He stopped broadside at about 8 yards and put his head down so I drew, picked a spot then let him walk.
It was still a LONG day but at least I finally saw some of the famed AAP bucks. Still havent seen any does. Going to be raining in the a.m with 18 mph winds. Looks like I'll be packing my pop up in. Hunt ends at noon. Not sure if I'll make it that long.