We wish we had your problem Steve. Two days ago, my wife had five deer coming towards her and a knuckle head, with the excuse that he thought that maybe we were in his tree stand road around in the 20 arcre field for 30 minutes with in yards of my wife at times until he pushed the deer completely off the farm. He said 'I knew that one of you were probably hunting in the side ravine'. I had two punks in a black Dodge pickup that had seen me head to where I was hunting, later they seen the deer that were heading for me and raced out into the bean field that I was near and chased them off. Later, with a helpful phone call the game wardens busted two others on the opposite side of the farm that were jack lighting with high power rifles. The game warden now also has the numbers on the guys with the Dodge and the lazy turd with the new Chevy that harrassed my wife.
I would love to just see nice bucks that were not getting chased by pickups.