Trophy size is also a factor of where you live and/or hunt! What one man might see regularly and consider "lesser" might be seldom seen and less seldom present a shot opportunity to someone living elsewhere.
This year, I had no less that 8 spikes and fork horns with "almost" legal brows...but not quite, within easy bow range. No other shot opportunities presented themselves.
Some of the "spikes" would come in at 140# easy and had very long, heavy, bladed spikes I'd guess around 12" long...
I'd consider them a trophy... yes, I like deer a bit closer with my stick bows than when I shot compounds for a decade years ago, but back then, my eyes were better to see small deflecting twigs and such...that and I could bust nocks all day at 30 yards... I can with my stick bows, but not with the same consistency.
As stated, I just LIKE being extra close...but in the areas I hunt...SEEING deer is a momentous occasion in recent years, and getting one in bow range, that meets antler restrictions, is a double feat so any deer is a trophy if there are few trophy-size deer in the area you hunt.