After weeks of spending every possible moment in the timber, it finally worked out Monday night!
Monday was windy here in SE iowa, so i had an opportunity to get away with a little movement. Went to a spot on a property i hunt where an old pasture has been allowed to grow up in goldenrod and pasture grass about 3-4 feet tall. Deer were crossing this spot to get to the neighbors bean field. I set up along a fence, using it as a ground blind and wove some grass through it to help conceal myself.
About 25 minutes later, I catch movement directly in front of me. . . about 15 yards out.Apparently, the grass was just tall enough to conceal smaller deer unless they stretched their head up to look for danger...
I raised up as I drew, and let fly. the arrow went about an inch under her chest. Apparently, it's much easier to forget things like "making sure you're at your anchor point" when there aren't any signts, etc to remind me to check my form. . . rookie mistake.
Luckily, my lost creek is super quiet, and with the wind blowing, she hadn't even noticed me. I sat down, nocked another arrow, stood back up again, and took my time to check my form. Took the shot, and ended up with my first doe. Taken from 10 yards, from the ground, with my lost creek legend and a hand sharpened 2 blade magnus broadhead. Definately wasn't the perfect shot angle. . . i think she turned a little towards me as i shot, but ended up hitting heart and both lungs. She ran 45 yards and was done.
I've killed alot of deer with gun and compound bow, but this was by far the most rewarding hunt i've ever been on!
To top the week off, I found out tuesday that the child my wife and I are expecting is a little girl. . . Cora Grace Sytsma. . . couldn't be more thrilled to have a new hunting and fishing buddy.
We'll see if i can get the picture to work. . .