Sat. evening came and went with very little movement and so I headed back to the home place with planes to sit the "Killin Tree" Sun. morning before heading to church.
Now the Killin Tree got its name form :rolleyes: well lets see.....
Lets just say it has some MoJo
and its about a five min. walk from the farm house.
These are a couple of pics from the tree from two years ago with a couple of coresponding pics from Sun. morning.
I got to my stand and put out some scent bombs in a line running east and west on the fence at the base of my tree then climbed up to enjoy my last morning with a bow in my hand for 2012....
I set this stand back in 1989 when I was 18 and my brothers and I have witnessed some incredable things out of it, one if which are some incredable sunrises.....this morning would be no ecception!!!!!
As I sat there enjoying the sunrise Travis texted me about the new day and that it could happen at any time so stay sharp...
I snaped this pic feeling very light hearted and joyfull at being able to just be out witnessing such a sight and sent it back to him and commented on how there are so many things in this life for us to be thankfull for.....
he text back nowing I had been a bit down in the mouth in general through out the season saying:
"Thats the spirit...Its a new day dawning,10,000 reasons for our hearts to sing! Bless the Lord oh my soul with all that is within me bless his holy name. Good Providence my friend!!!! "
We where haveing "Church" right there in the tree stand
That was 6:46 and at 7:01 I texted back with some more good news!!!!!!!!!!