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Author Topic: Longbows or Recurves, likes and dislikes!  (Read 5143 times)

Offline Igor

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Re: Longbows or Recurves, likes and dislikes!
« Reply #60 on: December 12, 2012, 03:56:00 PM »
I shoot larger riser recurves better than any other bow....so my preference is recurves...

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Offline Moots

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Re: Longbows or Recurves, likes and dislikes!
« Reply #61 on: December 20, 2012, 07:08:00 PM »
I have a Cari-bow Peregrine longbow that is a lot like a recurve -- shoots great.  And I have a Super Ghost (Great Northern) recurve that I think is a lot like my longbows.

Offline Sam McMichael

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Re: Longbows or Recurves, likes and dislikes!
« Reply #62 on: December 20, 2012, 08:37:00 PM »
I like both bows but primarily  have been shooting longbows since the 80's. To me they are the epitome of "traditional", but I admit to being heavily influenced by the Errol Flynn version of the Robin Hood movie. (Of course, Fred Bear with his recurves was solid traditional, too.) However, I can give no technical performance reason as most of my recurves are faster shooting bows and are comfortable in my hand. It all comes down to the fun factor for me.

If financially feasible, I heartily recommend shooting both kinds as they are all fun. My only real complaint with either type is that I can't afford to own as many as I would like.

Offline NothingHappenedToday

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Re: Longbows or Recurves, likes and dislikes!
« Reply #63 on: December 20, 2012, 10:56:00 PM »
Used to shoot recurves, but now I'm shooting a R/D longbow, the Bear AuSable. It is very reflex/deflex, has a grip almost like a recurve, and the sight window of a recurve. I wouldn't call it a longbow or flatbow at all -- more like a hybrid bow. Best of both worlds!
Hummingbird Kingfisher Longbow
Hummingbird Dyna-Stick Longbow
Bear Ranger

Offline tomcfc11

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Re: Longbows or Recurves, likes and dislikes!
« Reply #64 on: December 21, 2012, 12:09:00 AM »
I have both and prefer longbows. There's something to be said about the forgiveness of a longbow. I just seem to shoot them better. But my recurve is great too. So, no help here I guess...haha

Offline Ibow

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Re: Longbows or Recurves, likes and dislikes!
« Reply #65 on: December 21, 2012, 08:32:00 AM »
Very interesting thread to read. After shooting nothing but Black Widow recurves for many, many years, I decided I needed a change and look forward to giving my A&H ACS a try real soon.

Offline ChuckC

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Re: Longbows or Recurves, likes and dislikes!
« Reply #66 on: December 21, 2012, 08:44:00 AM »
I technically shoot a well fitted recurve better, but I can't help but love shooting my several longbows.  I am just a longbow kinda guy,  It is beyond what I like and more into the realm of what I am.


Offline tuscarawasbowman

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Re: Longbows or Recurves, likes and dislikes!
« Reply #67 on: December 21, 2012, 08:50:00 AM »
Originally posted by YORNOC:
I'm really surprised how everyone is saying recurves are noisy. I've owned literally hundreds and can quiet every single one....
all have been 64" or longer, well a few 62" in there, but all easily quieted to a whisper.

I like both style bows, but I shoot recurves much much better.
I use to shoot selfbows and my '71 grizzly is just about as quiet as them.

Offline gringol

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Re: Longbows or Recurves, likes and dislikes!
« Reply #68 on: December 21, 2012, 09:21:00 AM »
recurves are loud as hell until you put silencers on them, after that they don't seem noisy at all...I prefer longbows, but I don't really know why.  I shoot recurves just fine...

Offline don kauss

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Re: Longbows or Recurves, likes and dislikes!
« Reply #69 on: December 21, 2012, 10:54:00 AM »
Beauty and Feel...Recurve for me
Your Chicken from McDonald's, Tyson Foods, or Perdue Farms spent most of it's life stuffed in a cage with three or four others, occupying a space about the size of a book page...None for me, thanks...

Offline Cedar&Flint

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Re: Longbows or Recurves, likes and dislikes!
« Reply #70 on: December 21, 2012, 05:52:00 PM »
I started out with a recurve (Damon Howatt Super Diablo)because back then that's what was available. Couldn't hit anything that wasn't paper. Got the first compound made (Allen) and then a few bows by PSE and Jeninings. I could bust nocks at 30 yards but still couldn't hit a deer.I got one of Robertson's first long bows and I started harvesting game.Never looked back. I love long bows because for me the simplicity works.

Offline Chromebuck

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Re: Longbows or Recurves, likes and dislikes!
« Reply #71 on: December 21, 2012, 07:15:00 PM »
Every journey is unique and personal to the individual.  I have flopped back and forth in the last three years trying as many as I could afford to get my paws on.  Was convinced nothing could compare to my abilities to shoot my recurve, and then I finally received a R/D LB that challenged my confidence in the recurve. Out of the blue, I receive a package from my bowyer at the time and inside there were a pair of recurve limbs for the riser and they proved to be skookum shooters.  

After two months of awesome shooting the top limb took on some twist and while leaning on the bow it came unbraced.  Was in an awkward position of addressing a twisted limb on a set of limbs that were complimentary.  Great bowyer and said for me to send them back and he would fix the limb.  Sent them back for repaire and they were sent bak to me with the twist still showing.

Sold the bow with LB limbs and dislosed the twist in recurve limbs.  I have not switched from R/D longbows since, but with that said, there are some recurves out there that I wouldn't hesitate to give a whirl.  

62" JD Berry Taipan 53@28
60" Super Shrew 2pc 53@28
58" Ed Scott Owl Bow 53@28

Offline RecurveRookie

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Re: Longbows or Recurves, likes and dislikes!
« Reply #72 on: December 21, 2012, 08:15:00 PM »
I can't believe this thread lasted as long as it did! Thanks guys, for all the honest opinions.
Maddog Mountaineer 57# and Prairie Predator 52# Wow!, Samick Sage 35 - 60#,  I'm learning.

Offline Dan Adair

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Re: Longbows or Recurves, likes and dislikes!
« Reply #73 on: December 22, 2012, 02:40:00 AM »
In all seriousness.  I've gave longbows a fair shake, several times now.

I just can't shoot a longbow.  I don't know why.  We just don't get along.

I have accepted the fact that I'm just a recurve shooter.  Which is fine by me   :D

Offline ishoot4thrills

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Re: Longbows or Recurves, likes and dislikes!
« Reply #74 on: December 22, 2012, 06:11:00 AM »
I like them both equally well. I own both and shoot them both the same with the same arrow.

As long as it's physical weight is light in the hand, it's good with me.
58" JK Traditions Kanati Longbow
Ten Strand D10 String
Kanati Bow Quiver
35/55 Gold Tip Pink Nugents @ 30"
3 X 5" Feathers
19.9% FOC
49# @ 26.75"
165 FPS @ 10.4 GPP (510 gr. hunting arrow)
171 FPS @ 9.7 GPP (475 gr. 3D arrow)
3 Fingers Under

Offline Rustic

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Re: Longbows or Recurves, likes and dislikes!
« Reply #75 on: December 22, 2012, 08:14:00 AM »
Bear Montana Long Bow 50#@28"
PV Longbow 48#@28"
Bear Grizzly Recurve 45#@28"
Darton Trailmaster Recurve 35#@28"

Offline Knawbone

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Re: Longbows or Recurves, likes and dislikes!
« Reply #76 on: December 22, 2012, 08:49:00 AM »
I'm opposite in my view as most here, I think recurves are somewhat ugly and feel cumbersome to shoot. That is compared to a long bow which to me shoots smoother, is lighter weight, points faster, handles better, strings easier, but don't get me wrong,I do like recurves and prefer to hunt with one in tight places like natural blinds for turkey or pop up blinds.Shoot both equally well.
HHA 5 lam Cheetah 65" 48@26
HHA W Special 66" 52@26
HHA W Special 68" 56@28
GN Bushbow 64" 56@29
21st Street Chinook 64" 58@28
Kota Prarie Nomad 60" 47@24
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Offline Terry Lightle

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Re: Longbows or Recurves, likes and dislikes!
« Reply #77 on: December 22, 2012, 08:53:00 AM »
What Andy Cooper said
Compton Traditional Bowhunters Life Member

Offline Michigan Mark

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Re: Longbows or Recurves, likes and dislikes!
« Reply #78 on: December 22, 2012, 01:24:00 PM »
I am opinionated as the above state, it all is a personal preference to which choice you make/like. I do not see any downfalls/dislikes as some state. Although in some tight spots a really long bow the limbs can be interfered with (I did not find this to be a hindrance with 70" in a tree stand). I started out with Recurves and after years decided to give HH bows a whirl and used them pretty exclusively, that lasted for about 20 years. With degeneration setting in chose to lower the pound of pull to continue to hunt Traditionally. After selling some bows off Picked up my first R/D and a couple of Recurves and am enjoying shooting them more and more (point and shoot). So I like them both and take them out and shoot one after the other with minimal adjustment. Have some fun, you are not limited to one or the other and are only limited by your budget to how many you or your household can afford.

Online frassettor

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Re: Longbows or Recurves, likes and dislikes!
« Reply #79 on: December 22, 2012, 01:41:00 PM »
I'm a fan of my longbows more. There is just "something" about them . They are quiet and enjoy their lines. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my recurve, but I prefer my longbows more
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